First Reformed
Church Oostburg

A Place For Your Heart to be Transformed by the Love of Jesus Christ

Join Us Sunday's for Worship
starting at 9am

First Reformed Church is committed to the teachings of the Bible and glorifying God by making disciples for Jesus Christ who care for people, serve their God by serving others, and worship joyfully their Almighty God.

Join us this Lent Season as we prepare for Easter and the reseraction of Savior!

Upcoming Events @ FRC

We Need Your Help!

175th Anniversary Celebration

Hold onto your church pews because registration for our 175th Anniversary Celebration is NOW OPEN! And no, this is NOT an April Fools’ joke—we’re serious about celebrating 175 years of God’s goodness!

Fclick belowto secure your spot for our June 1st celebration event and giveaway!

IMPORTANT DEADLINE ALERT! Registration closes on April 15th—a.k.a. Tax Day (because nothing says “deadline” like Uncle Sam knocking on your door). PS: This isn’t a community event—it’s a special celebration for FRC’ers and our regular attenders! So if that’s you, sign up, and let’s celebrate!

Register for 175th Celebration