TOWN HALL! Grab a cup of coffee and a cookie and come check out the Deacon’s presentation of the Refugee Resettlement Program Team opportunity TODAY at 10:15 AM in the Fellowship Hall. We have some special guests coming and we’d love for you to extend your FRC hospitality to them. Coming to hear about the opportunity is not a commitment but the hope is that you’ll spend just :30 minutes of your time checking out what the Deacons are looking to do!

All AreaHigh School Kickoff TONIGHT - Sunday, Sept 8th. 6-8pm at First Reformed Church Cedar Grove. We'll have a few yard games set up, bonfire, worship & pizza! If you'd like a ride - the church bus will leave FRC @5:30pm.

Children's and youth volunteers - we look forward to seeing you this Wednesday, September,11 for training and updates.


Sympathy for Doris and Arvin Meerdink and family on the passing of Doris’ brother James (Jim) Le Mahieu. Althea and Al Ver Velde and family and Phyllis Parrish on the passing of Althea’s and Phyllis’ brother Ralph De Ruyter. Also, Gary and MaryJo Velier and Bruce “Ed” and Sue Nyenhuis and families in the passing of Bruce and Mary’s brother-in-law Jeff Gahagan.

Card Shower for Mary Wykhuis who will be celebrating her 95th birthday onSeptember 15th. Send greetings to 628 N. 8th Street, Oostburg, WI.

Operation Christmas Child (OCC)Team continues prep for the packing of 150 boxes that will spread joy, as well as a training program that introduces the kids to Jesus! There are still gifts to be purchased - would you help? Check it out at the OCC table across from Solid Grounds or the shopping list on Also, for those who’ve done their shopping, please drop off anytime in the Church office or at the OCC table on a Sunday. FRC - your generosity and commitment is already spreading joy!

Register now for the PIZZA & PACKING PARTY. On Wed. nite, Oct. 9th we’ll have a dual event - a family nite meal (pizza) and a service opportunity (helping to pack boxes for Operation Christmas Child). It’s a great opportunity to practice service for all ages (parents, please plan to accompany your elementary or younger aged kids). Register at the Welcome Center, on or online readers, just click HERE.

If you or someone you know could use some extra help, we hope to see you on Tuesday night from 6:00-7:00 for the Oostburg Community Food Pick-Up.

IN SEARCH OF… A volunteer to help once every 4-6 weeks in the House of Praise (HOP) as a helper with the kids (no lesson prep necessary). This is an excellent children’s ministry opportunity available to adults, high school or middle school ages. Please reach out to to get involved. This opportunity is flexible to your schedule!


No ACTS 29 this Sunday (9-8.) Hope to see all 18-29 year old’s for the fall kick off on 9-22 @ 6:30.

🎊 Fifth graders- an amazing first event of the year is being planned just for you. Watch the bulletin for more information.

🗓 You’re Invited to the Pine Haven Annual Meeting of the Corporation on Monday, September 16, 2024, at 6:00 pm at the Community Center at Pine Haven Christian Home, 220 Haven Drive, Sheboygan Falls.

✔ The Sept. special mission is for Kelsey Corpas’ ministry with World Team in Spain which is a church-planting organization that focuses on unreached people groups. Less than1% of Spaniards know Jesus personally. Kelsey’s work is focused on evangelism and multiplying disciples. As she serves on the European leadership team forWorld Team, she’s also involved in encouraging newer missionaries in Europe and providing oversight with job descriptions and strategic plans for their ministries. The collection to-date is $279.67

Attendance last week was 308, the offering was $18,070 and we need an average weekly giving of $19,135 to meet our budgetary commitments.



9am Worship: “God’s Design“  - Pastor Brian
Scripture: Genesis 2:1-4a, 15 

10:15 - Cookies, Coffee &Fellowship

6PM - All Area High School Kickoff


6 PM Connect Team in the Library

6:30 PM Reach & Connect Teams in the Library


1:30PM - Stitching for a Cause

6 PM - Food Pick Up


6:30 PM Teachers Update & Training


9/15 - 9am Worship: “God’s Purpose” - Pastor Bob
Scripture: Genesis 2:15-25 

SEP15: Uth (6th-12th) Families Meeting (10:15 AM)

SEP 18: Jr. High Kick-off for FRC & FPO (6:30 PM)

SEP22: Sunday School Kicks Off

SEP 25: Bible Class+ Uth Large/Small Group begins

OCT 9: Pizza & Packing Family Meal (open toall ages)! Mark your calendars! Register HERE.

OCT23: 1st Choir Practice of the season 🎶🎹🎼


Pray for Terri Mentink as she receives her next maintenance chemo treatment this week.Pray for Bev Gabrielse to have a good week of recovery before she has her next chemo treatment. Pray for Tracey Anderson while she awaits a second opinion in regards to the next steps. Pray for Mary Rauwerdink as she anticipates receiving her next chemo treatment.

Pray for Don Teunissen who is at Froedtert Hospital recovering from significant injuries. Pray that the wound heals well and pray for determination and strength as he receives physical and occupational therapy. Pray for Rita Harmeling as she learns to walk again.

This week let’s especially lift up those who live in various assisted living residences who are generally not able to be with us in church including Ginny Bourne, EJ Caljouw, Anita Daane, Wayne Huenink, Muriel Ledeboer, Fay Mentink, Wayne Tripp, Neil & Phyllis Vander Ploeg, Linda Vander Weele and Lyle (Duff) Ver Velde.

For this Sunday and throughout the week we will be praying for Brian and Beth Schwartz and their daughter Rebecca and their ministry in the Philippines. They have submitted the following praises and prayer requests. Praises: Continued good health for Beth, Rebecca, and Brian. New ministry opportunities during the summer. Safe travels over the summer. God's provision of our daily needs. Approval of funding for the TBoli Old Testament translation project. A successful start to the new school year. Continued progress for the Obo Manaobo Old Testament translation project. God's wisdom for dealing with low enrollment at Faith International Academy. Rebecca is becoming more involved in the ministry. Encouragement from our partnership team. Prayer requests: God's provision of increased enrollment at Faith International Academy (FIA). God's provision of new jobs for the six employees who were recently laid off from FIA. Healing for those employees who remain at FIA. There is mistrust and anxiety. Wisdom and discernment for Brian as he helps to lead the school. Safety as Beth travels on September17 to Malaysia for a ten-day training workshop in Malaysia . Pray for God's provision of funds for Brian to attend an international school leadership conference in Spain. God's provision of a new Head of School at FIA. Continued spiritual renewal and growth during these challenging times.