✂️🧵CRAFTERS - check out the table of old hymnals in the hallway on your way to coffee. There’s so much potential - how about framing favorite hymns, using the music for jewelry, ornaments, candles? All table items free to a good home!
Critical Need - we’re in search of just a few more things for the Love INC New Way Meal this Thursday!. We need one additional Server (be at Calvin Christian Reformed Church by 4 PM), one salad and two desserts. Can you please help? Sign-up at frcoostburg.org, stop at the Welcome Center or, online readers may click HERE.
TIRED OF THE ❄️🥶? Skate on over to FRC’s 1st ever Cabin Fever Reliever next Sunday afternoon from 2:30 - 4:30 PM. Let the kids get their energy out in the gym, or by playing board games in the student center. We’ll have adult fun - BINGO, board games, snacks and dessert. Maybe even some pickleball or volleyball games! Please join us for fellowship and fun. For planning, the team would really appreciate you register - at Welcome Center, frcoostburg.org or click HERE.
🌽🎯THE 2nd ANNUAL CORNHOLE TOURNAMENT, is taking 2-person team registrations! Tourney date is Sun., March 2nd at 2 PM. Last year’s winners have already signed up so it’s time to get your team together and seek all the glory of displacing the reigning champions! Format: double elimination. Entrant’s must be 12 years or older. Of course there’s snacks, drinks and a viewing area for those wanting to watch the action. Register online at frcoostburg.org.
✔️A “Humidifier” was installed in the grand piano. Yep, we thought you should know this in case you see Dixie “watering the grand”! Anyway, when the air gets too dry for wood-based instruments, they can very quickly get out of tune so a humidifier helps control this.
✔️FRC’s Food Vault served 23 families with $3,588 worth of groceries yet FRC only paid $282. Thank you, FRC!
✔️“Thank you to the FRC congregation and staff for the loving support and prayers for our family in the loss of Ron Oonk, our beloved husband, father and brother.” Sincerely, Bonnie Oonk on behalf of herself, Dawn Oonk and Roger & Mame Oonk.
✔️As time goes on my heart aches for my dad’s earthly presence which I am sure any one of you that has experienced loss has felt. But a good friend reminded me to think about what dad is experiencing now in Heaven - so much more than we could ever imagine - so on that thought I must dwell. On the earthly side, I want to thank you all for fervently and intensely praying for my father’s health over the past 6 years. I believe when 2 or 3 are gathered in united prayer, things happen. So with the many “new challenges” (Dad’s phrase for each new health issue) you covered him in prayer and I believe his life on earth was sustained by your prayers.To all the Prayer Warriors out there, thank you!! Dad appreciated you all. “Counting my blessings” and you are one of them, as dad would say! Sincerely, Vicki Ebbers
✔️🔢Last week’s attendance was 350 and the offering came in at $29,938. The combined Jan/Feb special offering to-date stands at $2,531. You may choose your recipient for Jan/Feb offerings - either Pastor Elijah & Living Hope or Love INC’s Refugee Resettlement program (or give to each one)!
✔️Men’s Prayer Breakfast registration is open for Sat., March 1st gathering at Judi’s. Go to frcoostburg.org to sign-up.
The Special Offering options for January & February are Pastor Elijah (Living Hope Uganda) and Love INC’s Refugee Resettlement program. If you have a preference for your donation, simply mark your envelope. Undesignated monies will be split between the two.
Save the Date! Sun., June 1st A 175th Anniversary Celebration for the FRC Family! Great food, inflatables, the infamous ga ga pit, family photo booth, lunch, musical acts, and more!
175th Anniversary Fun Facts!
Did you know that FRC’s first Women’s Missionary Society was established on Feb. 29, 1884 in the church building in East Oostburg! That puts our current Women’s Missionary Society at 141 years young! AND, last week we told you Reverend K. Vander Schuur was our first pastor back in 1850 but we wanted to know his first name. We’ve learned it was Koene Sijbolts Vander Schuur and you can find his headstone in the Oostburg Cemetery, should you feel the need to check up on our research department…
9am Worship: I See It But I Just Don’t Believe It - Scripture: John 9:1-11 (Pastor Bob)
10:15 Sunday School
10:15 AM - Bible Backroads Study
10:15 AM - Cookies, Coffee & Fellowship!
4:00 PM - Sunday Nite Bible Study (Apologetics / Defending Your Faith)
6:30 PM ACTS 29 (Fellowship Room)
6:15 PM: Deacon’s Mtg & Elder’s Mtg
7 PM: Consistory Meeting
9 AM Prayer Circle (Leader: Mary R., and Hostess: Delores)
1:30 PM Stitching for a Cause
6:15 PM: Uth Large/Small Group
6:30 PM: Bible Class
NO Choir Practice
6:30 PM Festive Food & Fellowship Life Group
High School Winter Retreat at Silver Birch. Bus departs at 3 PM.
FEB 23: 9 AM Worship - Never Thought I Would See That - Scripture: John 11: 1-45 (Pastor Bob)
FEB 23: Cabin Fever Reliever for all (2:30 - 4:30 pm) Sign-up at frcoostburg.org.
FEB 25: Eernisse Circle
MAR 1: Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Judi’s); Register at frcoostburg.org
MAR 2: Cornhole Tournament (2 PM). Sign up at frcoostburg.org
MAR 3: Children’s Sunday Service (kids arrival time 8:40 AM)
APR 5: One-day Bible Study through Acts at Oostburg CRC. Register HERE
APR 27: Uth Sunday
JUN 1: 175th Anniversary Worship (10 AM) and Celebration Event (fun-filled FRC family day with lunch, inflatables, games, gaga pit, photo booth, music & more)
JUN 16-19: VBS
JUN 18: Music in the Park (FRC-sponsored) - 4 Guyz in Dinner Jackets
JUN 22-27: Camp Manitoqua
New to our list is Tim Kildea - pray that he can get relief from the back pain that he’s been experiencing and pray for wisdom for his doctor as a treatment plan is created. And PTL Dave Huibregtse received a great report - the cancer is isolated and only surgery will be needed!
Those in a recovery and recuperation period are Emily Ten Dolle, John Fischer, Kevin Hendrikse and Mike Soerens. Pray for each as they move through various phases of recovery and healing. As Jeff Brusse continues in physical and occupational therapy, pray his visit with the orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday is positive news and that Dad, Howie, treats him to breakfast (just making sure you’re paying attention).... AND, we think additional prayers of thanksgiving are in order as Don Teunissen expects to complete his inpatient therapy by the end of this week and will then move HOME!!