🙏GRAB SOME INVITES for the Sept 4th Grill & Chill and invite a friend, neighbor, relative, co-worker or anyone else in your sphere of influence that doesn’t have a church home or affiliation. We’d love to connect and forge ongoing relationships with our visitors and ultimately encourage them to join us for worship, a small group, an event, etc.! Invites (double-sided in English & Spanish) are scattered throughout the narthex. Remember - you’re all invited as it’s also an avenue to bring together our FRC family for a time of connecting. See you on Wed., Sept 4th between 5 PM - 7:30 PM. 

T-2 WEEKS, GUYS. Time to get those registrations in for the annual Men’s Golf Scramble at Autumn Ridge Golf Course! Tee time is 7:00 AM. The cost is $45 which includes green fees, a power cart (what’s a non-power cart? a bicycle?🤷) and lunch. There will be prizes.Register HERE or stop by the Welcome Center or call the office.  

⛪ MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL! The House of Praise (HOP) needs volunteer assistants. HOP is a fully interactive curriculum and methodology of telling the stories of Jesus, so this is a great opportunity for you to both Serve & Disciple our young learners. Contact Lori Taylor or Kathy Spencer to volunteer or get more information. 

✔️ SPECIAL OFFERING OPPORTUNITIES: The August Mission of the Month offering is designated for Ben Johnson’s ministry with Serge in Thailand. The Sept. special mission is designated for Kelsey Corpas’ ministry with World Team in Spain. World Team is a church-planting organization that focuses on unreached people groups. Less than 1% of Spaniards know Jesus personally. Kelsey’s work is focused on evangelism and multiplying disciples. As she serves on the European leadership team for World Team, she’s also involved in encouraging newer missionaries in Europe and providing oversight with job descriptions and strategic plans for their ministries. We’ll get an update from Kelsey this Sunday morning, via video. 


🔢Elder Nomination Form submittals are at 15.4% of the average weekly attendance which is more than double last week’s 7.4%! On the flip side, this means a large percent of individuals have not taken the opportunity to have a voice into the nominations for those who lead our church. And there are so many important things happening that require a strong leadership team! We are wrapping up the nominations today, Aug. 25. If you’ve not yet provided feedback, please complete a form (copies at the Welcome Center) or the online nomination option is HERE.

🏇WOW. The Grill & Chill “donations race” is narrowing and too close to call. The Sweet Tooths have ice cream donations covered at 97% with just 1 more gallon of vanilla ice cream needed to cross the finish line. Fruity Friends - your donations are at 79%. You can overpower the dessert fanatics by quickly getting 3 watermelon and 6 cantaloupes added to this SIGN-UP. Or pop over to the Welcome Center and ask them to sign you up. 🆘ALERT. There are still a few areas where volunteers are needed for the Grill & Chill (ok, for the statistics-hungry people among us, we have 79% of the volunteer slots full and need 11 more volunteers)! Would you please consider helping out at this important outreach event and sign-up today either HERE or at the Welcome Center. 🤲Thank you to everyone who’s already signed up to help and donate. You are appreciated!

🎁The Operation Christmas Child (OCC) shoebox team is energized. Over 43% of the gift-buying/donations goal has been met and sign-up has started for the Oct. 9th Wed. Nite Pizza & Packing Family Meal where we’ll be seeking to pack 150 boxes for kids in need around the world. To sign-up for the Oct. 9th Family Meal, click HERE or visit the Welcome Center to sign up. 💪CHALLENGE: Could you help us hit at least 50% of gifts purchased by next Sunday? One FRC’er told us she is donating gifts to pack a box in honor of each of her grandchildren - that’s a pretty cool idea! You can see the shopping list HERE (which includes links to shop online), or buy the items in a retail store or you can visit the OCC table in the narthex hallway on your way to get cookies & coffee after service and make a cash donation (the team will shop for you)! 

💰The Nicaragua Mission trip Kohler Picnic Fundraiser netted $4,240. A huge shout of thanks to all who volunteered their time!

✏️Attendance last week was 256, the offering was $17,012 and we need an average weekly giving of $19,135 to meet our budgetary commitments. The month-to-date total for the special offering this month (Ben Johnson & SERGE) is $540.


🗓️This Editor will be out-of-office the week of Labor Day. Please submit bulletin requests for the Sun., Sept 8th Bulletin by 5 PM on Wed., Sep 4th to or drop off in the Office. And many thanks to Vicki Soerens who will be covering!

✔️Cereal & Vegetable Oil are items the Food Vault is hoping you’ll grab at the grocery store and donate this month! Dropbox is in the coat room!

🥓Men’s Saturday Prayer Breakfast is Sept. 7 at 6:00 AM at Judi’s Place in Oostburg. All ages are welcome. Good food, fellowship & prayer. Sign-up on or click HERE. 

🙏Thank you for the cards and good thoughts on my 90th birthday. I am indeed blessed! ~ Ann Lammers.

🙏From Julia Sloan …thank you again for welcoming me into your church and allowing me to share with the Johnsons! I would love for you to join me in praying as I continue to prepare and raise support to return to Thailand. If you would like to stay informed on how to pray or learn more about the ministries I am involved in, go to my website by clicking HERE or type into your browser.



9am Worship: “Freedom By Faith“  - Pastor Bob
Scripture: Galatians 2:15-21

10:15 - Cookies, Coffee & Fellowship 

6:30 PM - ACTS 29 (Fellowship Hall)


9:00 AM - Eernisse Circle (Hostess - Judy H.)

1:30 PM - Stitching for a Cause


9/1 9am Worship: “Freedom For Faith“  - Pastor Bob
Scripture: Galatians 5:2-15

SEP 4: Grill & Chill (5:00 pm - 7:30 pm)

SEP 7: Annual Men’s Golf Scramble at Autumn Ridge 

SEP 8: All-area High School Kick-off

SEP 11: Teachers Update & Training (6:30 PM)

SEP 15: Uth (6th-12th) Families Meeting (10:15 AM)

SEP 18: Jr. High Kick-off for FRC & FPO (6:30 PM)

SEP 22: Sunday School Kicks Off

SEP 25: Bible Class + Uth Large/Small Group begins

OCT 9: Pizza & Packing Family Meal (open to all ages)! Mark your calendars! Register HERE.

OCT 28: 1st Choir Practice of the season 🎶🎹🎼


FRC - let’s lift up the Grill & Chill event, praying for outreach and that we will connect with visitors and begin to forge lasting relationships that could lead to bringing people into church and worship! Pray our attendees have open hearts and enjoy the opportunity to connect with others! 

Let’s uplift Bev Gabrielse as she receives her second chemo treatment on Monday. Pray that the side effects will be minimal and manageable. And pray that the lingering side effects Mary Rauwerdink is experiencing from her last treatment will resolve soon! Continue to pray for healing for Tracey Anderson and clarity for next steps in her treatment.

Praise God that Rita Harmeling has the green light to begin walking gently (light pressure) on her leg with a walker. She is hoping to be home in a couple of weeks. Thanks for all your prayers and support! 

This week our focus prayer partner is  Words of Hope and Jon Opgenorth (President of Words of Hope).  Praises include (1) In the last 3 months, more than 200 people were baptized in the parts of India where we work. These places are among the least reached and most anti-Christian locations. One place, Bihar, is often called the "graveyard of missionaries." And yet, God is at work! (2) In Words of Hope's partnership with YouVersion (, we upload short series from our daily devotional. Recently, we crossed 1 million people that have signed up to read one of those short plans. (3) Thanks to your gifts, the Kuku translation in Uganda continues to make progress. Prayer requests - (1) Pray for Nuten, a woman who leads one of our ministry centers in India. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and is undergoing treatment. (2) Pray for our Iranian ministry. So many inside Iran face challenges and uncertainty with increased tension in the region.