✈️🛬 The FINAL BOARDING CALL to sign up for this week’s Wednesday Nite Family Meal (Mar 12) is here! Don’t leave us scrambling for a last-minute MAYDAY—let’s get everyone registered before we hit turbulence! 🌟 Click HERE (today!) to sign up or stop by the Welcome Center to get your meal ticket! 🍽️🚀

✈️ Attention, Passengers! ✈️ This is an announcement from the cockpit—the Captains of Bible Class are inviting all parents to board the flight with their kids for a special journey this Wed., March 12th! After the Wed. Nite Family Meal, buckle up and join us in the cabin for an uplifting trip through faith-building and encouragement. Even if dinner doesn’t fit your itinerary, we’d love for you to take off with us for Bible Class! Your presence isn’t just a ticket to ride—it’s a first-class investment in your child’s spiritual journey (and a powerful layover for your own heart)! 💙✨ 

Stepping off the tarmac and into worship with us today is Kyle and Jayne Wenig who will update us on their ministry with Athletes In Action. They will also be speaking at the Sunday School hour so grab your coffee and cookie and come on over to the North side of the Fellowship Hall - no passports required to come onboard! The Wenig’s are one of our special offering options for the months of March & April along with Bob Abel (Remember Nhu).

📋🛩️The passenger manifest (attendance!) for last Sunday’s worship totaled 360. And, as promised, we’ve landed the financials for the past 2 weeks now that our financial coordinator has returned from vacation. Offerings for Feb. 23rd and March 2nd were $25,161 and $14,542, respectively. The total Special Offering for Jan/Feb was $3,889 ($2,550 for Pastor Elijah & Living Hope Uganda; and $1,339 for the Love INC Refugee Resettlement Program).


🌽🏆Oostburg, WI. This publication got the scoop as to the winners of last week’s 2nd Annual Cornhole Tournament. Officially, Team Justin Hoffman & David Niebauer took the championship for the 2nd year in a row. Coming in 2nd and a serious threat for taking the gold next year was Team Tim Swart & Emilio Reyes. And, we must mention that not ALL of Team Daane’s (Mike & Jake) threats were idle…somehow they pulled off honorable mention by landing 3rd place although we are just not sure of the odds they can take it all next year…

Oostburg, WI. Moving on to Bunco (yes, of course it’s a sport!), FIFTH GRADERS - it’s an afternoon of fun, friends, snacks, devotions and Bunco TODAY! We’ll see you at 1 PM (til 3 PM) as ya’ all roll the dice to see who’s coming out on top! 😃🎲✨ 


✔️ Prayer seems to be one of those things that we as Christians feel like we could be better at, so we will take time to discuss and practice the practice of prayer.  Do not fear, no one will be forced to pray out loud or lead in prayer.  Starting March 16 the Adult class that meets following worship will begin a study on prayer on the North side of the Fellowship Hall. Please come join us.

✔️Eight FRC’ers are heading out to Rock Valley, IA at the end of March to help in the rebuilding efforts following the devastating floods last year. PTL for their willingness and in numerous cases, taking personal time away from their jobs to serve!! Please pray for this Reformed Rebuilders team! #EricCarolJodiMikeToddJakeTylerPastorBrian

✔️Our Christian sympathy to Jen & Troy Hilbelink and their family on the passing of Jen’s father,  Mark Lilyquist, who passed away on Tuesday, March 4.  

✔️Girls & Ladies - SAVE THE DATE! Get ready for an unforgettable night at ourGirls Just Want to Have Fun With Jesusevent on Tue., April 29! This is for girls of ALL ages—6 to 96—so bring your mom, daughter, sister, or bestie!

✔️Mark down Sat., April 12th to stop by Mentink’s Market for a mouth-watering brat fry & lots of baked goods benefitting Love, INC! And speaking of Love INC, their team has a few job openings including Connection Center Manager and Operations Manager. Please send resume with cover letter to jobs@loveincsheboygancounty.org

Connect With Us! 

Join us for cookies & coffee after the service. Just exit left out of the Sanctuary and follow people to the Fellowship Room! Cookie donations welcome. To donate sign up at frcoostburg.org or stop at the Welcome Center. 

The Special Offering options throughout March & April are for Bob Abel (Remember Nhu) and Kyle & Jayne Wenig (Athletes in Action). If you have a preference for your donation, simply mark your envelope. Undesignated monies will be split between the two. 

SAVE THE DATE! Sun., June 1st
A 175th Anniversary Celebration for the FRC Family!
Great food, inflatables, the infamous ga ga pit, family photo booth, lunch, musical acts, and more!

175th Anniversary Fun Facts! FRC has a rich musical history. How well do you remember the evolution of our young children/student choirs? We put our Researcher on this task and here is what we uncovered (but we can’t promise we found everything!): there was the Young People’s Choir (1950’s), the Junior Choir, the Koinonia Kids, the Kids Choir and in the mid-2000’s the ______, which performed multiple musical productions including Splash Kingdom. An interesting fun fact - after Splash Kingdom, an anonymous donor announced he was treating the entire cast (60+ kids) to a day at Blue Harbor to celebrate their hard work!  If you are one of the first 5 individuals to provide the right name for this kid’s music group, we’ll have a prize for you! Answer will be in next week’s bulletin!



Post-Service Discussion with Wenig’s

10:15 Sunday School

10:15 AM - Cookies, Coffee & Fellowship!

1:00 PM High Five Bunco Day 

4:00 PM Sunday Nite Bible Study (Apologetics)


6:30 PM Special Consistory Meeting with Todd Brown


1:30 PM Stitching for a Cause

6 PM Food Pick-Up (Oostburg, Gibbsville, Hingham)


4:30 PM 175th Team Mtg

5:30 PM Wednesday Night Meal

6:15 PM: Uth Large/Small Group 

6:30 PM: Bible Class (including parents)!

NO Choir Practice


March 16: 9 AM WORSHIP - Static and Solitude - Scripture: Matthew 6: 5-15 (Pastor Bob) 

MAR 16: Class on Prayer

MAR 17: Combined Ministry Team + Consistory Quarterly meeting at 6:30 PM

APR 5: Men’s Prayer Breakfast at Judi’s 

APR 5: One-day Bible Study through Acts at Oostburg CRC. Register HERE

APR 12: Brat Fry & Bake Sale benefitting Love, INC at Mentink’s Market

APR 17: Maundy Thursday

APR 18: Community Good Friday Service (Bethel OPC)

APR 20: Easter Worship Service

APR 27: Uth Sunday

JUN 1: 175th Worship Service @ 10 AM (note time) & Parents: the FRC children sing at this celebration!

JUN 1: 175th Anniversary Celebration (11 AM)  

JUN 16-19: VBS

JUN 18: Music in the Park (FRC-sponsored) - 4 Guyz in Dinner Jackets

JUN 22-27: Camp Manitoqua


New to our list is Sue Hartmann who has been diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. She is continuing to meet with doctors to determine the best treatment plan.  We’ve added Sally Mentink to our list of those recovering at home (knee replacement) and receiving outpatient therapy. She joins the home recuperating crew of: Sandy Van Stelle, Tim Kildea (especially pray for pain management), John Fischer, Jeff Brusse and Don Teunissen.  Unfortunately, Jeff’s also got a rotator cuff tear so let’s add that to our targeted prayers! And continue praying for Dave Huibregtse as he awaits surgery on March 27th to remove a tumor.

This week’s mission partner focus is for Bob Abel and his ministry with Remember Nhu. Bob asks that you pray for our son Josiah who’s had multiple illnesses this year and is now recovering from mono; and pray as Josiah will make the transition to college this Fall and that God will provide resources necessary through grants, scholarships, loans, jobs, etc. Bob is seeking prayers for discernment as he schedules trips to Thailand and Bolivia. Ministry-wise, pray for protection of our Ke24 children in Kenya and the Lord’s provision for the FRC team to visit in 2026; for continued development and launch of a new US initiative, specifically for government approval and access to public schools; and for continued implementation of Family Home restoration model in Albania.