Our First Ever Exposé. Our crack Investigative Reporter has uncovered the truth and we’re about to solve last week’s mysterious case of “What is happening on February 23 that involves fun, laughter, and dessert?” We’re introducing to you FRC’s Cabin Fever Reliever - an event for all ages - at Oostburg Christian School on Sunday afternoon, Feb. 23rd from 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM. Lots of activities are in planning -
This is a great opportunity for connecting with our faith family and relieving our winter-induced cabin fever! And FRC Bakers (we know and love your gifts😀), would you consider donating a torte or pie? Online Readers: click HERE to donate a dessert, sign-up to attend, or both! Of course you can also sign up at the Welcome Center or at frcoostburg.org.
🌽🎯It’s BAAACK. The 2nd Annual Cornhole Tournament, sponsored by the Men’s Ministry Team, on Sun., March 2nd at 2 PM. Set your sights on displacing the reigning champions from last year - Justin Hoffmann and David Niebauer. For the competitive cornholers among us, here’s the skinny - format is double elimination, the tournament is limited to the first 20 teams (2 persons per team), participants must be 12 years or older. And of course there’s snacks, drinks and a viewing area for those wanting to watch the action. Bonus: the registration fee is waived for the first 20 teams to register....🤷 Register online at frcoostburg.org.
A Taste of Italy is coming your way! Click HERE to sign-up for the Feb. 12th Wed. Nite Family Meal featuring spaghetti, french bread, salad, brownies and ice cream. Update your calendar and sign-up today (Feb. 12th is literally right around the corner)! You can also register at frcoostburg.org, the Welcome Center or call the office at 920.564.2319.
IT BEGINS TODAY - at 4 PM … the launch of the Sunday late afternoon Bible Study on Apologetics (aka, learning strategies to defend and explain your faith when people raise tough questions or criticisms). See you at 4:00 pm TODAY in the Fellowship Room.
CALLING FOR HELP. We’re looking for individuals to roll up their sleeves and help with rebuilding in the flood-ravished Rock Valley, IA area. There is work for all skills - from painting to pounding; sweeping to nailing; you name it! It would be helpful to get a few additional people handy with tools who can direct the project and help guide our volunteers. We’re calling this initiative Reformed Rebuilders Remake! We have numerous weeks to choose from spanning from late March to the end of April (we will not be gone on Easter)! If you would consider serving, please come to an Informational Session on Sun., Feb. 9 immediately following the morning service - let’s gather on the rise near the grand piano! Note - if you know of individuals outside of FRC who would like to be involved in a service project, feel free to communicate this opportunity. If you cannot attend the Info Session let us know of your interest by clicking HERE or go over to frcoostburg.org and click on Reformed Rebuilders.
NEW WAY MEAL (for Love INC) Volunteers & Food Donors Needed. We have it on good authority that there was fun, laughter and servant hearts at the New Way Meal last year that FRC coordinated so, we’re doing it again - on Thur., Feb. 20th at Calvin Christian Reformed in Sheboygan! Multiple opportunities are available from serving, to food donations to baking. Check it out HERE, please! If you have questions, give Diane Joosse a call or text at 920.627.8645.
IT’S CHILDREN’S SUNDAY … on March 2nd! Kids who participate in Bible Class and/or Sunday School will lead us in worship on that morning, and they should arrive by 8:40 in the Fellowship Hall. If you know your child will not be there, please let Ms. Lori know as soon as possible. Mark it down y’all and invite your family and friends! Over the next few weeks the kids will be diligently preparing to provide us a meaningful worship experience! (aka, please try to have kids at all Bible Class and Sunday School classes, religiously, so to speak)!
🌲🏕️CAMPER PARENTS - the time is here to register for Camp Manitoqua (not you … your child, please). Camp dates are June 22-27. Register at frcoostburg.org. First of two $140 deposits due March 3rd. Registration deadline is Feb. 16th! Let’s get this done!
5TH GRADERS, you won't want to miss an afternoon of food, fun, and creativity (does this not sound mysteriously fun?) on Sun., Feb. 9th from 11:05-1:30. We’ll meet at church and lunch will be included! Parents, watch for an e-mail.
🔢Last week’s attendance was 341 and the offering came in at $18,080. The combined Jan/Feb special offering to-date stands at $2,098. You may choose your recipient for Jan/Feb offerings - either Pastor Elijah & Living Hope or Love INC’s Refugee Resettlement program (or give to each one)!
A 175th Anniversary Celebration FRC’ers Won’t Want to Miss!
Great food, inflatables, the infamous ga ga pit, family photo booth, lunch, musical acts, and more!
9AM WORSHIP - Look at All the Possibilities - Scripture: John 6:5-14 (Pastor Bob)
10:15 Sunday School
10:15 AM - Bible Backroads Study (Fellowship Room)
10:15 AM - Cookies, Coffee & Fellowship!
4:00 PM - Sunday Nite Bible Study (Apologetics / Defending Your Faith)
6:30 PM Special Consistory Meeting
9 AM Prayer Circle (Leader: Delores; Hostess: Mary H.)
1:30 PM Stitching for a Cause
6:15 PM: Uth Large/Small Group
6:30 PM: Bible Class
7:30 PM Choir Practice
1 PM Mission Circle (Leader: Mary; Hostess: Gloria); Lesson #1
Feb. 9 - 9AM WORSHIP: Can I Close My Eyes? - Scripture: John 6:16-24 (Pastor Bob)
FEB 12: Wed. Nite Family Meal
FEB 23: Cabin Fever Reliever (2:30 - 4:30 pm)
MAR 1: Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Judi’s)
MAR 2: Cornhole Tournament (2 PM)
MAR 2: Children’s Sunday Service
JUN 1: 175th Anniversary Worship (10 AM) and Celebration Event (fun-filled FRC family day with lunch, inflatables, games, a gaga pit, photo booth, musical entertainment and more.
JUN 16-19: VBS
JUN 18: Music in the Park (FRC-sponsored) - 4 Guyz in Dinner Jackets
JUN 22-27: Camp Manitoqua
Everyone - let’s add Dave Huibregtse to our prayer lists. Dave’s been diagnosed with colon cancer and is awaiting meetings with doctors to determine next steps. And entering week 3 of radiation treatment is Mike Soerens. Please pray diligently for these individuals.
Continuing in their recoveries are Mary (Mrs. Bob) Roethel, Emily TenDolle and Kevin Hendrikse - each recovering from surgery. Jeff Brusse will be having surgery on Tuesday to remove a kidney stone in the midst of rehabilitation. Also in various states of rehab and recuperation are Don Teunissen, Wendell Hoffmann and John Fischer.
This week’s mission's prayer focus is for Chaplain Jim Hildebrandt at Good News Global in Sheboygan County. Pray that the 300+ inmates would be receptive and ready to hear the truth about who God is and who they are; that the 80+ staff would feel encouraged and supported in their difficult work; and for the 60+ volunteers who help this ministry will continue serving with vigor and joy! Pray also that Chaplain Jim would find a church to help with the secretarial and administrative needs of the ministry. And, pray that God would shine the light of Christ into the jail and disrupt the cycle of darkness and despair and move people, inmates and staff alike, to come, by His Spirit, to faith in Jesus.
The Special Offering options for January & February are Pastor Elijah (Living Hope Uganda) and Love INC’s Refugee Resettlement program. If you have a preference for your donation, simply mark your envelope. Undesignated monies will be split between the two.