AUG 11 - AUG 17



⛳🏌️Attention Men! Registration for the annual Men’s Golf Scramble at Autumn Ridge Golf Course on Sept. 7 is now open to individuals or teams. Register for the links at this LINK, online at or stop by the Welcome Center. If registering as a team, please designate a team captain to register your foursome. Tee time is 7 AM. The cost is $45 which includes green fees, a power cart 💪🛒 and lunch. There will be prizes🏆 for six hole-contests. If you have any questions contact Pastor Brian.

NEIGHBORLY CONNECTIONS.  We’re at T-3 weeks for the Grill & Chill (5- 7:30 PM on Wed., Sept 4) and we’re hoping you’ve started a list of the neighbors you’ll invite to this outreach event. AND, FRC Faith Family, we need YOUR HELP to make this event impactful on people’s lives! To sign-up for a serving/volunteer opportunity, click SERVE NOW, and to donate food items please click on DONATE NOW. In both cases, you can also sign-up at the Welcome Center or at 


TWO WEEKS TO DEADLINE - for your Nomination for Elder forms. God has called us to serve within the life of the church and He uses us to provide input as to those He is calling to lead as Elders. We encourage you to prayerfully seek wisdom from God and to actively network within the church family to identify capable men and women for this leadership position. The forms were in your Aug 4 bulletin. Also there is a stack of the forms at the Welcome Center. Or, give the online nomination form a try HERE! We’ve got a good start - about 3% response rate (of our average weekly attendance). Yes, the statistic-loving Editor found something new to track! It would sure be nice to hit double digit response rate after this week! Could we get on this, ya’ all? 🤲✏️📄

WE NEED YOU! Our Operations Christmas Child annual outreach is in full swing. We’re collecting cash donations or products from the SHOPPING LIST for all age categories and both boys and girls. That’s a LOT of items we need help purchasing!  We’ll be organizing these purchases by age/gender and engaging all of FRC to help pack them at our Oct. 9 Family Meal! Coming to see our mini “Evans” store might be entertaining in itself! These boxes provide essentials to kids around the world who find joy in toothbrushes, socks, wash cloths, combs, crayons and the special “wow gift” that is provided in each box (plush animal, matchboxes, legos, etc.). The team is available every Sunday before and after services to assist you and receive cash 💲donations. Online shoppers, the link to shop is HERE . For help, stop at our table or go to If you shop in-store at Target and the cost is more than online, the Service Desk will price-match. Many thanks to those who have already answered the call to help provide these kids joy. Another help - pray over these boxes. Many, many of these children do not know Jesus and as part of receiving a box, kids will receive the life-changing Good News of Jesus Christ! Boxes available if you’d like to pack your own as well!

CULVER’S DONATED $850 to the FRC Food Vault this week from your delicious day of dining last month. Thanks to your support for this and other donation opportunities, we’re able to provide essentials to families in need. Thank you, FRC faith family!


✅ Food Pick-up is this week Tue at 6 PM. If you know any families in the Oostburg, Gibbsville or Hingham area that could use extra help, please let them know of this opportunity or give Lori Taylor a call.

✅ Upcoming Special Offering Opportunities:  The August Mission of the Month offering is designated for Ben Johnson’s ministry with Serge in Thailand. Ben works to empower Thai Pastors to plant Thai churches as so many Thai communities have never heard the gospel and only one percent of Thai people know Jesus. In September the offering will be for World Team and our partner Kelsey Corpas in Madrid, Spain. 

🍪 Baker’s - could you help us fill a few more of the after-service cookie slots. People are loving the homemade ones, if you’d be so moved! Sign up HERE on or on the clipboard in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you to all those who’ve signed up so far!!

⁉️ Did You Know? 90 years ago the cost of a postage stamp was 3 cents, the FBI took down the infamous “Bonnie & Clyde” and our very own Ann Lammers was born (Aug 17, to be precise)? This is a big birthday ‘ya all….worthy of sending cards her way, don’t you think?!  PS: 831 New York Avenue.

Attendance last Sunday was unknown as our faithful statistician was not able to be with us in worship. The Offering was $12,771 and the average weekly giving needed to meet budget is $19,135. 



8/11 - 9AM WORSHIP: “Deliverance | Blessing“  - Pastor Bob
Scripture: Exodus 12: 33 - 13:22 

10:15 - Cookies, Coffee & Fellowship 

6:30 PM - ACTS 29 (Fellowship Hall)


6:00 PM Connect Team (Library)

6:30 PM Connect + Reach Team’s (Library)


1:30 PM - Stitching for a Cause

6:00 PM - Food Pick-Up (Oost, Gibbs, Hingham area)


6:30 PM Elders + Caregiver Mtg (Fellowship Hall)


6:30 PM Grill & Chill Team Mtg (Library)


8/18 - 9am Worship: “Deliverance | Delivered“ - Pastor Bob
Scripture: Exodus 14: 1-31  

AUG 24: Deadline for Elder Nominations 

SEP 4: Grill & Chill (5:00 pm - 7:30 pm)

SEP 7: Annual Men’s Golf Scramble at Autumn Ridge 

SEP 8: All-area High School Kick-off

SEP 11: Teachers Update & Training (6:30 PM)

SEP 15: Uth (6th-12th) Families Meeting (10:15 AM)

SEP 18: Jr. High Kick-off for FRC & FPO (6:30 PM)

SEP 22: Sunday School Kicks Off

SEP 25: Bible Class + Uth Large/Small Group begins

OCT 9: Family Meal & Packing Operation Christmas Child boxes (open to all ages)! Mark your calendars!


PTL our prayer list is decreasing!  Keep your focus on Bev Gabrielse as her body responds to her first chemo treatment with, hopefully, minimal side effects. And pray that Mary Rauwerdink will continue to gain strength as she recovers from surgery. As Tracey Anderson recovers from her cancer surgery, please pray the tightness in her chest will be alleviated.  And we continue to uphold Rita Harmeling as she recuperates at Pine Haven in Oostburg and awaits her next x-ray which we pray will reveal healing for her leg and the ability to bear some weight on it.

This week please pray for our partners, J&A in the Middle East, as they attend a ministry conference away from their home base. They also ask for prayers for the protection of civilians who are caught in the middle of the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel. Pray for peace in the hearts of J&A’s team, their local partners and those that they are ministering to and pray for wisdom for J&A as they discern whether they should return to their home base.