AUG 18 - AUG 24



✏️The Grill & Chill serving spots related to ice cream = 100% full. The serving spots unrelated to ice cream = 38% full. There’s a story here: dessert positions are a hot commodity - sign-up earlier next time! Meanwhile, it’s all hands on deck for the event so we need Servers!! Sign up HERE, at or the Welcome Center!

🍦The Grill & Chill donations list related to ice cream = 60% full. The donations for fruits, and other arguably healthy items is at 19%. What’s happening here? Perhaps: in a world of options, choose ice cream?🍨 But, you guessed it - we need y’all to help us with food donations for the event. Sign-up on this LIST, or on our website or at the Welcome Center!

✏️Update on Nomination [for Elder] Forms … we’ve more than doubled the number of forms from last week but still only 7.4% of the average weekly attendance have submitted a form. With a deadline of Aug. 24, could all members 18+ please complete a form this week? The form is HERE, or there’s a supply (blue sheets) on the Welcome Center counter.

🎁The Operation Christmas Child (OCC) shoebox initiative is at 32% of its shopping goal. We’re shooting for 150 boxes! THIS WEEK’S DEALS - composition notebooks & 24-packs of Crayola crayons (both just .50 cents at Meijer), 10 count of thin markers are the low price of .99 cents and online shoppers, we need your help with some of the bulk buying like washcloths (24 pack for just $17.99 on Amazon … what a steal) and toys! Please register your purchases HERE (or stop at the OCC table and have them register for you)! If you prefer to give cash, we have waiting shoppers! 

✏️Our Worship Attendance Statistician (that’s a big title for no pay) reports 371 people at worship last week. You know, this puts us just 29 people from crushing the 400 mark …

🥖Last week’s food pick-up serviced 29 families (numbering over 100 family members); distributed a total of $4,900 of groceries ($175 per family) with a total cost to FRC of $301. Thanks to the many volunteers! 

💲Last week’s general offering was $18,720. The Mission of the Month (Ben Johnson and SERGE Ministry in Thailand) is at $504 to-date. Last month’s special offering (Samaritan’s Hand) came in at $1,515. The Deacons thank you!


🙏LIV’IN ON A PRAYER... This year the Grill & Chill team is not doing a sign-up for attendance🤯! They’ve got faith you’re all planning to come! As always, this is an event for all of FRC and is open to neighbors that may be unchurched, or new to the area and seeking a church home, or someone who needs the welcoming of a large faith family. That’s us. Added plus: you don’t have to cook dinner! See you on Wed., Sept 4th between 5 PM - 7:30 PM. There’s even bilingual invites for the Grill & Chill on Narthex high top tables or on the Welcome Center counter! Take multiple. Invite many!

⛳🏌️ATTENTION MEN GOLFERS! Registration for the annual Men’s Golf Scramble at Autumn Ridge Golf Course on Sept. 7 is now open to individuals or teams. Register for the links at this LINK, online at or stop by the Welcome Center. If registering as a team, please designate a team captain to register your foursome. Tee time is 7 AM. The cost is $45 which includes green fees, a power cart 💪🛒 and lunch. There will be prizes🏆 for six hole-contests. If you have any questions contact Pastor Brian.

🍕PIZZA & PACKING…the Connect & Operation Christmas Child (OCC) shoebox teams bring to you a night of food, fellowship & a service opportunity bonus! On Oct. 9th we’ll have the first Wed. Nite Family Meal of the season (pizza) and then we’ll go to work packing those OCC gift boxes!! From kids (with parents helping) to senior saints, this is a night of outreach…this small gift of your time will bring the joy of Christ’s love to these kids in need! You’ve been asking where to sign-up and we’re delivering! Let’s get this dinner SIGN-UP going. You know how it’s done!

🆘 MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOLERS - we need your assistance! The House of Praise (HOP) needs volunteer assistants. HOP is a great ministry - a fully interactive curriculum and methodology of telling the stories of Jesus. Contact Lori Taylor or Kathy Spencer to volunteer or get more information. 

🍏TEACHERS - our season of teaching and building relationships with our students is coming up quick! Training is Wed., Sept 11 at 6:30 PM. And 6-12 grade students and parents: there’s a all-area High School kick-off on Sun., Sept 8 and a Uth Families Meeting (yes parents, this includes you!) after service on Sun., Sept 15 in the Shed.

🥓MEN’S SATURDAY PRAYER BREAKFAST is Sept. 7 at 6:00 AM at Judi’s Place in Oostburg. All ages are welcome. Good food, fellowship & prayer. Sign-up on or click HERE is encouraged but not mandatory. 


✔️Cereal & Vegetable Oil are items the Food Vault is on the search for (hopefully not to co-exist in the same recipe)... Dropbox is in the coat room!

✔️ Baker’s - the sign-up for August is looking pretty full!! Could we get a little more assistance for mid-September and into October and then we’ll call it sweet?! Sign up HERE, on or in the Fellowship Hall.

✔️ New small print edition of Our Daily Bread is in the Narthex rack. Large print is not on same cycle and that comes next month.  Also, the latest edition of Whispering Pines from our partners at Pine Haven Christian Communities is available in the rack or read at this link.

✔️Upcoming Special Offering Opportunities:  The August Mission of the Month offering is designated for Ben Johnson’s ministry with Serge in Thailand. Ben works to empower Thai Pastors to plant Thai churches as so many Thai communities have never heard the gospel and only one percent of Thai people know Jesus. In September the offering will be for World Team and our partner Kelsey Corpas in Madrid, Spain. 



9am Worship: “Deliverance | Delivered“ - Pastor Bob
Scripture: Exodus 14: 1-31 

10:15 - Cookies, Coffee & Fellowship 

10:30 AM - Deacon’s Meeting (Fellowship Hall)


6:15 PM Elder’s Meeting 

7:00 PM Consistory Meeting


9:00 AM - Prayer Circle (Hostess - Delores Roethel)

1:30 PM - Stitching for a Cause


AUG 24: Deadline for Elder Nominations 

8/25 9am Worship: “Freedom By Faith“  - Pastor Bob
Scripture: Galatians 2:15-21 

SEP 4: Grill & Chill (5:00 pm - 7:30 pm)

SEP 7: Annual Men’s Golf Scramble at Autumn Ridge 

SEP 8: All-area High School Kick-off

SEP 11: Teachers Update & Training (6:30 PM)

SEP 15: Uth (6th-12th) Families Meeting (10:15 AM)

SEP 18: Jr. High Kick-off for FRC & FPO (6:30 PM)

SEP 22: Sunday School Kicks Off

SEP 25: Bible Class + Uth Large/Small Group begins

OCT 9: Pizza & Packing Family Meal (open to all ages)! Mark your calendars!



Young Kayden Stecker has joined the prayer list this week. Pray for fast healing from a procedure he had this past week so that he can get back to doing what 8 year olds love to do! And Rita Harmeling is looking forward to a check-up on Monday - FRC family, let’s lift her up and pray the x-rays show a good report of healing!

Let’s amp up our prayers for the FRC’ers on a cancer journey.  By the time you read this both Mary Rauwerdink and Bev Gabrielse will be recovering from a chemo session. Pray that side effects will be minimized, manageable and of short duration. And Terri Mentink will be receiving a maintenance chemo treatment this upcoming week so pray for her smooth recovery as well! And pray for Tracey Anderson’s continued recovery as well as wisdom from her medical team as to next steps.

This week let’s pray for Nicole Opgenorth and her ministry with CEPAD in Nicaragua. Here’s a few requests direct from Nicole: 1. CEPAD is working through government certifications that are complex - pray that our work is accepted the first time around. 2. The rainy season has begun and it is critical for our farmers - pray the rain continues and results in a bountiful harvest that will sustain the people through to the next rainy season. 3. We are already starting to get applications from communities who would like to work with us. Pray for discernment and guidance from the Lord so we are able to wisely choose who to work with going into 2026. 4. As I am on home assignment and in the US until mid-October, please pray for safe travels and all of the conversations I will have along the way. Also that I would be able to spend some time relaxing and be refreshed going back to Nicaragua for another three-year term.