Oostburg, WI.  IT’S A DODRANSBICENTENNIAL! Yes, it’s a word. Ok, so resident Librarians #Colleen #Mary #Nancy are raising an eyebrow just about now. Well, it’s not a standard English word. But Dodransbicentennial is a coined phrase defined as a quarter of a century less than a bicentennial. In other words, it’s FRC’s 175th anniversary year! We even have a special logo to kick off this special year! And that “Save the Date” you’ve been seeing around - you have seen it, right? - refers to a big celebration we’re having on Sunday, June 1st. Festive food, lots of fellowship, a kids zone, a photo booth, a musical stage …and more. Mark those calendars! You and the family won’t want to miss this!


10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2… yup, just 2 weeks for us to help collect baby donations for Anchor of Hope, a non-profit in Sheboygan that assists young moms and dads who are facing challenging circumstances.This effort is a wrap up to the family Advent Reading book and is also a nod of support to Sanctity of Life Sunday on January 19th. Please consider dropping off any of the below items on the table in the narthex on or before Jan. 19: 

  • Diapers (sized 3-6) and Pull Ups (all sizes)
  • Crib Sheets
  • Baby Carriers
  • Potty Training Seats
  • Bottle Brushes & Drying mats for bottles and baby items
  • Kiddo dishes, spoons, and cups
  • Snack containers
  • Small toys - rings and other things for 6-12 month olds to hold and play with
  • Books for kiddos under 5
  • Winter clothing for kids 0-2 (no coats - we were gifted a few cases of coats from the Knights of Columbus)
  • Boppy pillow with protective cover sheets

If you prefer not to shop, we will accept cash donations and shop for you!

🦌FEAR THE DEER. Oh, our bad. This is not the Sports Section. BUT, Never fear the Wed Nite meal is here! Yes, our poetry needs work. Anyway, the January Wed. Nite Family Meal is on the 22nd…just a little later this month to aid in your recovery from holiday eating endeavors! This month’s meal is a savory baked potato bar with all the fix’ins & ice cream for dessert! It’s a great opportunity to connect with other FRC faith family and keep your kitchen clean for a night! Sign-up at frcoostburg.org, or the Welcome Center, or online readers just click HERE.

🚀✨ BLAST OFF! 🧑‍🚀We’re rocketing into the 2nd semester with Sunday School and all our midweek fun firing back up! Sunday School and HOP (House of Praise) are back in action TODAY—get ready to dive into the fun, learning and fellowship! All Wednesday Night Adventures are back this week, too! That means choir practice is also ready to roll! 🎶 Calling all shower singers! It’s time to trade your bathroom acoustics for the sanctuary stage—don’t miss the chance to make a joyful noise!  We can’t wait to see YOU there! 🌟


✔️Our Christian Sympathy to Lynette Lammers and family in the passing of Lynette’s Mom, Elvera Ottman on Dec. 29th.

✔️Thank you for all the prayers, cards, and meals during my surgery and chemo treatments. I felt the peace, encouragement, and strength from all of you. All was appreciated. - Bev Gabrielse

✔️We express our sincere appreciation to our FRC family for the Christmas gifts and many Christmas greetings. We wish all of you a blessed new year! - FRC Staff

✔️Dec. 29 Statistics … 276 in attendance. $26,314 in the offering. Christmas day offering rose to $975. The December Special offering (for families in need fund at Oostburg Elementary) totalled $4,319. All 88 piano keys accounted for. 1 usher in a sombrero trying to speak Spanish and 100% of the 2025 contribution envelopes have been picked up! 

✔️Don’t forget … our special offering options for Jan & Feb are Pastor Elijah & Living Hope Uganda and/or Love INC.’s Refugee Resettlement Program. If you prefer one over the other, please write your preference on your envelope. Otherwise monies will be divided between the two.

✔️If you’ve moved in the last year, have a new email or phone number, or changed car insurance (ok, just checking if you’re paying attention), we need you to drop a line to plemkuil@frcoostburg.org. How will you know if your email/phone is not updated? If you no longer receive church Email / phone blasts, there’s a good chance we don’t have your correct info!

✔️Cookie Volunteers for the after-church coffee time are starting to come (thank you). But there’s quite a few slots open yet. It’s just 2 dozen (one batch) of sugar’y fun. A great mid-winter activity! Would you consider helping us out?  Click HERE or there is a link on frcoostburg.org or sign-up on paper in the Fellowship Hall!

The Special Offering options for January & February are Pastor Elijah (Living Hope Uganda) and Love INC’s Refugee Resettlement program. If you have a preference for your donation, simply mark your envelope. Undesignated monies will be split between the two. 

Connect With Us! Join us for cookies & coffee after the service. Just exit left out of the Sanctuary and follow people to the Fellowship Room!  for All Ages at 10:15 AM! 

This year, may God bless you with the peace that surpasses understanding, calming your spirit in moments of chaos and leading you beside still waters!



10:15 Sunday School

10:15 AM - Cookies, Coffee & Fellowship!


6:30 PM New Consistory Onboarding & Make Up Session for Facilities presentation.


9:00 AM Prayer Circle. Leader: Althea & Snack Master (aka Hostess) Charlene.

1:30 PM Stitching for a Cause


6:15 PM: Uth Large/Small Group 

6:30 PM: Bible Class 

7:30 PM Choir Practice 🎶


6:30 PM Care Team Training


Jan.12 @ 9AM WORSHIP -The First Look  - Scripture: John 2:1-11 PASTOR BOB

JAN 12: Acts 29 Bible Study

JAN 13: Connect, Reach Team Meetings

JAN 14: Food Pick-up (Oost, Hingham, Gibbs area)

JAN 16: Festive Food & Fellowship Life Group

JAN 20: Elders (6:15 PM), Deacons (6:15 PM) and Consistory at (7 PM)

JAN 22: Wed. Nite Family Meal 

FEB 1: Men’s Prayer Breakfast at Judi’s


Many thanks to our faithful FRC prayer warriors! This week let’s continue to pray for Wendell Hoffmann who continues in rehab at Sunny Ridge, Jeff Brusse who is continuing therapy and recuperation outpatient, Don Teunissen who remains in therapy at Froedtert and is awaiting an infection to clear up so he can have knee replacement surgery and Mike Soerens who’s going through preparation for cancer treatments.