SO THIS HAPPENED…Our fearless Investigative Reporter happened upon this absolute disaster (left) earlier this week, and folks, it’s a doozy. 😬 The moral of the story? Never, ever, trust Pastor Toby with your decorating needs. 😅🎨 Trust us, you’d be finding glitter in your hair for weeks. 🧑‍🎨

🔭 👁️CSI OOSTBURG. Working overtime this week, our fearless Investigative Reporter also uncovered a series of threats wreaking havoc down the FRC’s hallways. With the 2nd annual Cornhole Tourney just one week away, we think Team Daane (who didn’t place in last year’s cornhole tournament, by the way) is threatening to make a clean sweep in every round. Or, at least we think that’s what we heard. 🌽🎯 There’s still room to sign up your 2-person team. Online readers register HERE or go to frcoostburg.org. The odds of Team Daane’s quest for the trophy significantly diminish as more teams sign up, just say’in. Come watch the action starting at 2 pm on Mar. 2!

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY PARENTS - Children's Sunday is only one week away!  That's 7 days, or 168 hours, or 10080 minutes!  We are so excited! Please practice song & scripture with your child (2nd-5th grade solo pieces,) and we look forward to seeing the kids in the fellowship hall by 8:40 on March 2nd! The kids are truly looking forward to leading our service!

HEY FIFTH GRADERS! You do NOT want to miss this epic afternoon of fun! Join us on March 9 from 1-3 PM for snacks, a devotion, and a whole lot of laughter as we roll the dice and play Bunco! 🥳✨Trust us—this is gonna be a blast, and you’ll want in on the action! Check out the Sign-Up Genius HERE so you don’t miss out! 🎉🎲😃

OODLES of NOODLES are heading your way on Wed., March 12th at the next Wed. Nite Family Meal. We weren’t able to have the spaghetti & salad in February due to the snowstorm so we’ll try again in March! You know how it’s done - sign-up you and the family at frcoostburg.org, stop by the Welcome Center or online readers click HERE.

PRAY FOR IMPACT! There’s 10 churches and over 240 people attending the winter retreat at Silver Birch this weekend. Pray for our high schoolers, adult leaders, and band members who will be ministering along with speaker, Luke Schouten who’s teaching on the theme "Who Do You Want To Be" from 1 Tim 4:12  Our crew includes: Griffin Blake, Branda Brusse, Lorenzo Christian, Avery DeMaster, Ann DePagter, Antonio Dorato, Tessa Englebert, Jake Englebert, Emerson Gosse, Brodie Hacker, Jerica Hartman, Lexi Hoffmann, Avery Hoffmann, Brooklyn Hoffmann, Justin Huenink, Maatilor Josiah, Jordan Lentz, Parker Levin, Ellodie Mills, Justin Oliver, Ryan Oonk, Justin Oonk, Mike Schreurs, Adam Swart, Taylor Teunissen, Toby Thomack, Aubrey Van Ess, Logan VanGinkel, Kami VanGinkel, Blake Veldboom, Cisco Verduzco, Kiara Verduzco, Ray Wittneben, Raymond Wittneben, & Maddie Wynveen.  


✔️SERVE Opportunity: the 175th Anniversary Team is searching for 5 volunteers to help prepare some of our event spaces for the big anniversary celebration! Help is needed at church from 7 AM - 9 AM on Sun., June 1st (what a great chance to test out your alarm clock)! The work is light (decor-related) and you’ll be done in time to change and get to worship which will be at 10 AM on this day! Please contact Kathy Hurlbutt directly at either 920.698.6395 or email kathy.hurlbutt@kohler.com.

📸SCRAPBOOKERS - check out the table of old hymnals in the hallway on your way to coffee. For the low price of $0, these hymnal pages can be yours, to add a nostalgic touch,adding hymn lyrics or songs to capture important moments. We’re running a 2 for 1 BOGO deal this week.

✔️🔢Last week’s attendance was 349 and the offering came in at $32,088. The combined Jan/Feb special offering to-date stands at $3,255. The Special Offering selections for March/April are individuals we know well - Bob Abel (Remember Nhu) and Kyle & Jayne Wenig (Athletes in Action). We’ll hear an update from each at our service today!

✔️Note that this Editor will be reporting the news from a much sunnier location during the month of March.🌴☀️Office hours will be slightly altered on Tuesdays and Thursdays to include mornings but usually not the afternoons. Thank you in advance to Vicki Soerens who is covering mornings. You might want to stop and visit - bonus points if you bring coffee… 

The Special Offering options throughout March & April are for Bob Abel (Remember Nhu) and Kyle & Jayne Wenig (Athletes in Action). If you have a preference for your donation, simply mark your envelope. Undesignated monies will be split between the two. 

Save the Date! Sun., June 1st
A 175th Anniversary Celebration for the FRC Family! 
Great food, inflatables, the infamous ga ga pit,  family photo booth, lunch, musical acts, and more! 

175th Anniversary Fun Facts! Our first bell for the “white church” was purchased from the Buckeye Bell Foundry on May 19, 1924 for a price of $710. It weighed 600 lbs, was 44 inches in diameter and included the hanging rope. The Purchase Order (yes, we have this🔔📜😉) was signed by George Harmeling, JJ Kleinhesselink and Jake Wykhuis!



9 AM Worship - Never Thought I Would See That - Scripture: John 11: 1-45 (Pastor Bob)

10:15 Sunday School

10:15 AM - Bible Backroads Study 

10:15 AM - Cookies, Coffee & Fellowship!

4:00 PM - Sunday Nite Bible Study (Apologetics / Defending Your Faith)


9 AM Eernisse Circle (Hostess:Jan Kane)

1:30 PM Stitching for a Cause


6:15 PM: Uth Large/Small Group 

6:30 PM: Bible Class 

NO Choir Practice


6 AM - Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Judi’s) - Register at frcoostburg.org. Guys: this is the deal - bacon, eggs, coffee, pancakes, prayer and a great time of fellowship! Come give it a whirl - we’d love to have you! 🙏🥓🐖🥚🥞


March 2- 9AM Worship: Children’s Sunday “Go and Tell”  (FRC’s Children’s Ministry)
(kids arrival time 8:40 AM)

MAR 2: Cornhole Tournament (2 PM). Sign up at frcoostburg.org

MAR 4: Prayer Circle (Lead: Gloria; Hostess Ann L.)

MAR 6: Mission Circle

APR 5: One-day Bible Study through Acts at Oostburg CRC. Register HERE

APR 27: Uth Sunday

JUN 1: 175th Worship Service @ 10 AM (note time) & Parents: the FRC children sing at this celebration!

JUN 1: 175th Anniversary Worship (10 AM) and Celebration Event (fun-filled FRC family day with lunch, inflatables, games, gaga pit, photo booth, music & more)

JUN 16-19: VBS

JUN 18: Music in the Park (FRC-sponsored) - 4 Guyz in Dinner Jackets

JUN 22-27: Camp Manitoqua


We would like to thank everyone for their prayers for Kalli Ramaker and our family. She is home and continuing to recover. We are praising God for answered prayers and thanking Him for all of you. Thank you so much! Ed & Jan Kane

I am truly grateful FRC Family and staff, for your prayer support on my behalf! I am blessed to have so many friends, family, and church family sending cards, texts, patting me on the shoulder, and letting me know that they are lifting me up in prayer as I go through this cancer journey. Mike Soerens

This is a week of giving praise to God for so many great things (which, is it a God-thing that the praise team is singing Great Things today?)!!!  Here are your updates: Both John Fischer and Don Teunnissen returned home on Friday!! Pray as both of these individuals continue to strengthen their bodies and specifically for Don, pray for his regiment of outpatient therapies as he continues his recovery. Tim Kildea’s back surgery went well - pray for his smooth recovery and for a successful post-operative plan. Dave Huibregtse is waiting on a surgery date to remove the tumor on his colon. As we mentioned last week the great news is the cancer is contained and it’s not expected he’ll need post-op treatment. The great news for Jeff Brusse is he’s back to light duty work & he got clearance to drive! And, we’re thinking Howie is delivering on buying breakfast this week… Jeff continues to work on outpatient therapy for both his arm and leg.

This week’s mission partner focus is for Love INC of Sheboygan County. Pray for the staff and neighbors during this uncertain time, especially our new neighbors through our Refugee Resettlement Ministry. Pray for peace as we lean on Christ to avoid worrying about things we cannot control. Also, please pray for our ministry as we seek new staff members to support our ministry. Pray for guidance in the selection process and for the right people to step forward for the various roles we need to fill.