OOSTBURG, WI.  In a bold move that will create high impact, the Deacon Team of FRC Oostburg is on the cusp of entering into a partnership with Love INC in Sheboygan County to form a Refugee Resettlement Support Team (RRST). The word refugee is not to be confused with illegal immigrants, borders or walls. There are refugees in many countries around the world. People do not become refugees by choice. Refugees are children, women, and men forced to flee their homes on account of persecution, war, and violence. When refugees cannot return home nor integrate into the first country that provides them safety, they may be eligible for resettlement to a third country. Less than ½ of 1% of the world’s refugees will ever be resettled.  LOVE Inc. Sheboygan is officially certified to be a partner in assisting refugee families to relocate to Sheboygan County. After spending time with Love Inc and going through an evening of training, the Deacons felt overwhelmingly compelled to seek out a group of FRC’ers who’ll form our RRST team and show compassion and hospitality to these new neighbors (many different opportunities to help are available). Come hear about this program and the opportunities to help after the service on Sun., Sept. 8th at 10:15 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Your attendance at the information session is not a commitment but your consideration of this service opportunity by coming to listen to what it’s all about is incredibly important to the Deacons!  “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” – Hebrews 13:2


IT’S TIME TO NEIGHBOR! ☔😎Rain or shine we’ll see you all on Wed. nite (Sept 4) between 5 - 7:30 PM for a time of grill followed by chill!! There’s food and ice cream, kids games, music, chit chatting and pleeeze - find someone you don’t know and introduce yourself and start up a conversation! Leading someone to church and ultimately to a relationship with Christ usually begins by forging a connection with an individual first! Let’s show them the FRC Christian love, ya all! 🆘BUT FIRST - we have just two remaining spots to fill which is a kids game helper at 5:30 PM and one at 6:00 PM. Can we get these two fun positions filled today on Online readers: sign up here and scroll down!

SWEET TOOTHS WIN. We must report that in the end, the Sweet Tooths overpowered the Fruitcakes when it came to donating items to the Grill & Chill event. That last gallon of ice cream was donated before we could get the watermelon slots all full. HOWEVER, there’s technically no loser as ALL donation requests were filled within 24 hours of people reading their trusty Bulletin. Wow! Thanks FRC! 

PROCRASTINATORS UNITE. Men: the time is now. Like today. Sign-up for the Men’s Golf Scramble🏌️⛳ at Autumn Ridge Golf Course because the Scramble is THIS SATURDAY, Sept 7!! Tee time is 7:00 AM. The cost is $45 which includes what golfers need it to include.There will be prizes🏆. Register HERE or stop by the Welcome Center.

SOMETHING’S ABLAZE🔥? Yup, we’ve got an Operation Christmas Child (OCC) team that’s on fire.🎇Over the course of last weekend gift donations skyrocketed from 43% to 70% of our goal. A M A Z I N G 🥳PTL 🙏. With 4 weeks to go, they’re hoping you can help them meet the goal. Remember - 150 kids around the world will have J O Y from the box you’re helping us pack! You can see the remaining shopping items HERE, donate cash at the OCC table (just look for the green and red boxes) or grab an empty box and pack your own! Help us reach our 150 goal!!

PIZZA & PACKING PARTY. Registration Now Open. The first family nite meal (pizza) is Wed. nite, Oct. 9th. And we’re hoping many of you can also help us pack Operation Christmas Child boxes after the meal. What a great service opportunity! PS: FRC has a penchant for signing up at the last minute…might we consider committing a little earlier so we have a better line of sight into how much pizza to order?? Just seems like a good idea! Register at the Welcome Center, on or online readers, just click HERE

IN SEARCH OF… A volunteer to help once every 4-6 weeks in the House of Praise (HOP) as a helper with the kids (no lesson prep necessary). This is an excellent children’s ministry opportunity available to adults, high school or middle school ages. Please reach out to to get involved. This opportunity is flexible to your schedule!  

SPECIAL OFFERING OPPORTUNITIES: The Sept. special mission is for Kelsey Corpas’ ministry with World Team in Spain. World Team is a church-planting organization that focuses on unreached people groups. Less than 1% of Spaniards know Jesus personally. Kelsey’s work is focused on evangelism and multiplying disciples. As she serves on the European leadership team for World Team, she’s also involved in encouraging newer missionaries in Europe and providing oversight with job descriptions and strategic plans for their ministries.


🎊Fifth graders- an amazing first event of the year is being planned just for you. Watch the bulletin for more information coming soon! 

✔️And…That’s a Wrap. The process for nominating Elders for 2025 has completed. The response rate jumped from 15.4% two weeks ago to a final tally of 21% of our average weekly attendance! 51% of respondents completed a hard copy form and 49% nominated digitally. Thank you for having a voice in nominating FRC’s leadership team.

☎️This Editor will be out-of-office the week of Labor Day. Please submit bulletin requests for the Sun., Sept 8th Bulletin by 5 PM on Wed., Sep 4th to or drop off in the Office. And many thanks to Vicki Soerens who will be covering!

🗓️You’re Invited to the Pine Haven Annual Meeting of the Corporation on Monday, September 16, 2024, at 6:00 pm at the Community Center at Pine Haven Christian Home, 220 Haven Drive, Sheboygan Falls. 

🥓Men’s Saturday Prayer Breakfast is Sept. 7 at 6:00 AM at Judi’s Place in Oostburg. All ages are welcome. Good food, fellowship & prayer. Sign-up on or click HERE. 

✏️Attendance last week was 357, the offering was $15,378 and we need an average weekly giving of $19,135 to meet our budgetary commitments. The total for the special offering in August (Ben Johnson & SERGE) is $1,198.

✔️Cereal & Vegetable Oil are items the Food Vault is hoping you’ll grab at the grocery store and donate this month! Dropbox is in the coat room!



9am Worship: “Freedom For Faith“  - Pastor Bob
Scripture: Galatians 5:2-15

10:15 - Cookies, Coffee & Fellowship 


Labor Day


9:00 AM - Prayer Circle (Leader: Gloria & Hostess: Alice)

1:30 PM - Stitching for a Cause


5 PM - 7:30 PM -Grill & Chill


1 PM - Missions Circle 


7 AM - Men’s Golf Scramble


9/8 9am Worship: “God’s Design“  - Pastor Brian
Scripture: Genesis 2:1-4a, 15 

SEP 8: All-area High School Kick-off

SEP 11: Teachers Update & Training (6:30 PM)

SEP 15: Uth (6th-12th) Families Meeting (10:15 AM)

SEP 18: Jr. High Kick-off for FRC & FPO (6:30 PM)

SEP 22: Sunday School Kicks Off

SEP 25: Bible Class + Uth Large/Small Group begins

OCT 9: Pizza & Packing Family Meal (open to all ages)! Mark your calendars! Register HERE.

OCT 23: 1st Choir Practice of the season 🎶🎹🎼


New to our prayer list are Don Teunissen and Tom Klujeske. PTL that Don is in stable condition at Froedtert Hospital recovering from significant injuries he sustained from a trucking accident this past Monday.  And Tom spent some time in the hospital this week receiving treatment for an infection. 

Continuing on our prayer list are Bev Gabrielse, who’s recovering from her second chemo treatment, Mary Rauwerdink, who’s having a treatment later this week; and Tracey Anderson as she continues to await next steps in her treatment. 

This week our focus prayer partner is for J&A in the Middle East. Continue to pray for Y, who recently became a believer.  Pray that he finds Christian community, and pray for wisdom as we disciple. Pray for N, the woman that A disciples and who’s mother passed away recently. Pray for A and all the school staff as they start the school year.  The school is an important part of long term ministry here as it’s one of the only places where local Muslims rub shoulders day in and day out with a community of Christians.  We have three new families who have joined the team in the last two months, and they are all getting settled into new rhythms and a new culture.  Pray that adults and kids acclimate well to jobs, language study, school, friends, and church.  And pray that even in their newness they have opportunities to share the gospel with people around them. Also, there are multiple upcoming training sessions - pray that the various sessions, activities and workshops are infused with the Spirit and drive the gospel forward.